- Tokyo city landscape – a comparison of university student preference –
- 論文掲載日:2001/03/01 第1巻
- 論文著者:
- Eitaro MASUYAMA, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
- 論文概要:
- Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 1, No. 1, 65/70, 1994
Fifteen slides of various Tokyo landscapes were shown to two groups of undergraduate students. One group (21) attended the Women’s College of Fine Arts (WCFA) and the other group (14) attended Sophia University (SU).
Students rated each slide by Semantic Differential (SD) Method. The results were subjected to a computer correlation matrix and subsequent principal component analysis. Following varimax rotation. We interpreted the results as follows. WCFA subjects preferred the following landscape descriptive factors: ‘ugly’, ‘alive’, natural’, and ‘empty`. Whereas SU subjects preferred the factors: ‘ugly’, ‘primitive’, ‘alive’, and ‘complex’. We note that both groups use two common facto, i.e. ‘ugly and ‘alive’. Using the four factor scores as independent variables and preference ratings as dependent variables, multiple regression equations were computed for the data. For the WCFA responses, we conclude that ‘the more beautiful, more full, more alive and more natural the scene is, the more preferential it is’. Conversely, for the SU responses, we conclude that: ‘the more beautiful, more alive, more complex, and more civilized the scene is, the more preferable it is’. In conclusion, the preference order for Tokyo landscapes for both groups was computed with a resulting rank correlation coefficient of 0.893.
- ‘Kansei’ evaluation and psychological models
- 論文掲載日:2001/03/01 第1巻
- 論文著者:
- Hirayatu TANAKA, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 論文概要:
- Technical note
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 1, No. 1, 62/64, 1994
The present study attempts to construct an information-process model for ‘kansei’ evaluation: the predictor model. An experiment was conducted to ascertain the validity of this theoretical position. Preferences for urban environments containing contemporary buildings, tended nature, ordinary natural-settings and so on, were studies as a function of eight predictor variables: spaciousness, refuge, coherence, legibility, complexity, mystery, identifiability and nature. Regression analyses revealed three variables as positive predictors of preference: mystery, coherence and legibility and one variable as negative predictor: complexity. The results support the usefulness of the predictor model of environment preference.
- How to evaluate Kansei studies: a problem on the common scale design
- 論文掲載日:2001/03/01 第1巻
- 論文著者:
- Hiromitsu INOUE, Chiba College of Health Science, Japan
- 論文概要:
- Review article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 1, No. 1, 58/61, 1994
There have been many studies in the field of kansei, recently. However, from the methodological viewpoint, there have also been confused.
The purpose in this paper is to point out some problems in measurement, to formulate the schema and propose the way of evaluation on the kansei studies.
Two types of evaluating are considered to specify the problems. One is to evaluate designs, which is not thought its importance; the other is to evaluate results. The former is the basis of validity and reliability of the measurement.
Recent studies describe the kansei concepts by both subjects and common scales. And in its design, to describe subjects cannot describe subjects in itself.
In the sensory inspection, there are well-known two types of measurement. But the problem subject’s ability is left in the kansei studies.
- Influences of large video display size on VDT works
- 論文掲載日:2001/03/01 第1巻
- 論文著者:
- Hiroyuki MIYAMOTO, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
Takashi TORIIZUKA, Kageyu NORO, Waseda University, Japan
- 論文概要:
- Technical note
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 1, No. 1, 55/57, 1994
Video display of lager size such as 12” have been more and more used for presentation in a group works they can conveniently display images obtained TV camera, disk storage and computer. Larger screen displays may also become more attractive for virtual reality system because of the irresistible realistic images due to the screen size. In these cases, a pointing device such as a mouse is frequently used for the communication between human and system. In this study, a comparison between video displays of different sizes is done if there are differences in eye movements although the angle of view remains the same. The use of pointing device is evaluated when mouse tracking on video display is requested.
- Using multimedia for electronic communication in office environment
- 論文掲載日:2001/03/01 第1巻
- 論文著者:
- Tadashi HIROSE, Hitachi Ltd. , Japan
- 論文概要:
- Review article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 1, No. 1, 50/54, 1994
Traditional research on computer and human interactions had focused on the physical and/or mental effects on humankind. As the computer widely spread in office environment and used to communicate between one and other daily, we must mention about its organizational effects. The electronic communication methods not only make easily to communicate each other, but also make change the communication style, contents, and social organization. It should be treated as new ergonomic problems of highly computerized age. We discuss these problems in office environment and recommend using the multimedia technologies as a part of its solutions.